
Ever since JavaScript was first created, many developers have been confused by its lack of classes. Most formal object-oriented programming languages support classes and classical inheritance as the primary way of defining similar and related objects. From pre-ECMAScript 1 all the way through ECMAScript 5, this point of confusion led many libraries to create utilities designed to make JavaScript look like it had support for classes.

While there are some JavaScript developers who feel strongly that the language doesn't need classes, the fact that so many libraries were created specifically for this purpose led to the inclusion of classes in ECMAScript 6. However, ECMAScript 6 classes aren't exactly the same as classes in other languages. There's a uniqueness about them that embraces the dynamic nature of JavaScript.

Class-Like Structures in ECMAScript 5

Before exploring classes, it's helpful to understand the underlying mechanisms that classes use. In ECMAScript 5 and earlier, there were no classes, and the closest equivalent was creating a constructor and then assigning methods to its prototype. This approach is called creating a custom type. For example:

function PersonType(name) { = name;

PersonType.prototype.sayName = function() {

let person = new PersonType("Nicholas");
person.sayName();   // outputs "Nicholas"

console.log(person instanceof PersonType);  // true
console.log(person instanceof Object);      // true

In this code, PersonType is a constructor function that creates a single property called name. The sayName() method is assigned to the prototype so the same function is shared by all instances of PersonType. Then, a new instance of PersonType is created via the new operator, and the resulting person object is considered an instance of PersonType and of Object (through prototypal inheritance).

This same basic pattern underlies a lot of the class-mimicking JavaScript libraries. And that's where ECMAScript 6 classes start.

Class Declarations

The simplest class form is the one that looks similar to other languages: the class declaration. Class declarations begin with the class keyword followed by the name of the class. The rest of the syntax looks similar to concise methods in object literals without requiring commas between them. For example, here's the class equivalent of the previous example:

class PersonClass {

    // equivalent of the PersonType constructor
    constructor(name) { = name;

    // equivalent of PersonType.prototype.sayName
    sayName() {

let person = new PersonClass("Nicholas");
person.sayName();   // outputs "Nicholas"

console.log(person instanceof PersonClass);     // true
console.log(person instanceof Object);          // true

console.log(typeof PersonClass);                    // "function"
console.log(typeof PersonClass.prototype.sayName);  // "function"

The class declaration PersonClass behaves quite similarly to PersonType from the previous example. Instead of defining a function as the constructor, class declarations allow you to define the constructor directly inside of the class using the special constructor method name. Since class methods use the concise syntax, there's no need to use the function keyword. All other method names have no special meaning, so you can add as many as you want.

I> Own properties, properties that occur on the instance rather than the prototype, can only be created inside of a class constructor or method. In the previous example, name is an own property. It's recommended to create all possible own properties inside of the constructor function so there's a single place that's responsible for all of them.

An interesting aspect of class declarations is that they are just syntactic sugar on top of the existing custom type declarations. The PersonClass declaration actually creates a function that has the behavior of the constructor method, which is why typeof PersonClass is "function". Similarly, the sayName() method ends up as a method on PersonClass.prototype, similar to PersonType.prototype in the earlier example. These similarities allow you to mix custom types and classes without worrying too much about which you're using.

Despite the similarities, there are some important differences to keep in mind:

  1. Class declarations, unlike function declarations, are not hoisted. Class declarations act like let declarations and so exist in the temporal dead zone until execution reaches the declaration.
  2. All code inside of class declarations runs in strict mode automatically. There's no way to opt-out of strict mode inside of classes.
  3. All methods are non-enumerable. This is a significant change from custom types, where you need to use Object.defineProperty() to make a method non-enumerable.
  4. All methods have no [[Construct]] internal method and so throw an error if you try to call them with new.
  5. Calling the class constructor without new throws an error.
  6. Attempting to overwrite the class name within a class method throws an error.

With all of this in mind, the PersonClass declaration from the previous example is directly equivalent to the following:

// direct equivalent of PersonClass
let PersonType2 = (function() {

    "use strict";

    const PersonType2 = function(name) {

        // make sure the function was called with new
        if (typeof === "undefined") {
            throw new Error("Constructor must be called with new.");
        } = name;

    Object.defineProperty(PersonType2.prototype, "sayName", {
        value: function() {

            // make sure the method wasn't called with new
            if (typeof !== "undefined") {
                throw new Error("Method cannot be called with new.");

        enumerable: false,
        writable: true,
        configurable: true

    return PersonType2;

The first thing to notice in this code is that there are two PersonType2 declarations, a let declaration in the outer scope and a const declaration inside of the IIFE. This is how class methods are forbidden from overwriting the class name while code outside of the class is allowed to do so. The constructor function checks to ensure that it's being called with new, otherwise an error is thrown. Next, the sayName() method is defined as nonenumerable and it also checks to ensure that it wasn't called with new. The final step is to return the constructor function.

From this example, you can see that while it is possible to do everything that classes do without using new syntax, the class syntax makes all of the functionality a lot simpler than it would be otherwise.

A> ### Constant Class Names A> A> The name of a class is specified as if using const, but only inside of the class itself. That means you can overwrite the class name outside of the class but not inside a class method. For example: A> A> js A> class Foo { A> constructor() { A> Foo = "bar"; // throws an error when executed A> } A> } A> A>// but this is okay A> Foo = "baz"; A> A> A> In this code, the Foo inside of the class constructor is a separate binding than the Foo outside of the class. The internal Foo is defined as if it's a const and so cannot be overwritten, which means an error is thrown when an attempt is made to do so; the external Foo is defined as if it's a let declaration and so its value may be overwritten at any time.

Class Expressions

Classes and functions are similar in that they have two forms: declarations and expressions. Function and class declarations begin with an appropriate keyword (function or class, respectively) followed by an identifier. Functions have an expression form that doesn't require an identifier after function, and similarly, classes have an expression form that doesn't require an identifier after class.

These class expressions are designed to be used in variable declarations or passed into functions as arguments. Here's the class expression equivalent of the previous examples:

// class expressions do not require identifiers after "class"
let PersonClass = class {

    // equivalent of the PersonType constructor
    constructor(name) { = name;

    // equivalent of PersonType.prototype.sayName
    sayName() {

let person = new PersonClass("Nicholas");
person.sayName();   // outputs "Nicholas"

console.log(person instanceof PersonClass);     // true
console.log(person instanceof Object);          // true

console.log(typeof PersonClass);                    // "function"
console.log(typeof PersonClass.prototype.sayName);  // "function"

Aside from the syntax, class expressions are exactly equivalent to class declarations.

I> Whether you use class declarations or class expressions is purely a matter of style. Unlike function declarations and function expressions, both class declarations and class expressions are not hoisted, and so the choice has little bearing on the runtime behavior of the code.

Named Class Expressions

The previous section used an anonymous class expression in the example, but you can also name class expressions just like you can name function expressions. To do so, include an identifier after the class keyword:

let PersonClass = class PersonClass2 {

    // equivalent of the PersonType constructor
    constructor(name) { = name;

    // equivalent of PersonType.prototype.sayName
    sayName() {

console.log(typeof PersonClass);        // "function"
console.log(typeof PersonClass2);       // "undefined"

In this example, the class expression is given a name, PersonClass2. The PersonClass2 identifier exists only within the class definition so that it can be used inside of methods. Outside of the class, there is no PersonClass2 binding, so typeof PersonClass2 is "undefined". To understand why this is, here's the equivalent declaration without using classes:

// direct equivalent of PersonClass named class expression
let PersonClass = (function() {

    "use strict";

    const PersonClass2 = function(name) {

        // make sure the function was called with new
        if (typeof === "undefined") {
            throw new Error("Constructor must be called with new.");
        } = name;

    Object.defineProperty(PersonClass2.prototype, "sayName", {
        value: function() {
        enumerable: false,
        writable: true,
        configurable: true

    return PersonClass2;

Creating a named class expression slightly changes what's happening in the JavaScript engine. For class declarations the outer binding (defined with let) has the same name as the inner binding (defined with const). Named class expressions use their name as the const definition, so in this case, PersonClass2 is defined for use only inside of the class.

While the behavior of named class expressions is different from that of named function expressions, there are still a lot of similarities between the two. Both can be used as values, and that opens up a lot of possibilities.

Classes as First-Class Citizens

In programming, something is said to be a first-class citizen when it can be used as a value, meaning it can be passed into a function, returned from a function, and assigned to a variable. JavaScript functions are first class citizens, sometimes just called first class functions, and that's part of what makes JavaScript unique. ECMAScript 6 continues this tradition by making classes first-class citizens as well. That allows classes to be used in a lot of different ways. For example, they can be passed into functions as arguments:

function createObject(classDef) {
    return new classDef();

let obj = createObject(class {

    sayHi() {

obj.sayHi();        // "Hi!"

In this example, an anonymous class expression is passed into createObject(). An instance is then created by using new and that object is returned.

Another interesting use of class expressions is to create singletons by immediately invoking the class constructor. To do so, you must use new with a class expression and include parentheses at the end. For example:

let person = new class PersonClass {

    constructor(name) { = name;

    sayName() {


person.sayName();       // "Nicholas"

Here, the anonymous class expression is created and then executed immediately. This pattern allows you to use the class syntax for creating singletons without leaving a class reference available for inspection (remember that PersonClass only creates a binding inside of the class, not outside). The parentheses at the end are the indicator that you're calling a function while also allowing you to pass in an argument.

The examples in this chapter so far have focused on classes with methods. But you can also create accessor properties on classes using a syntax similar to object literals.

Accessor Properties

While own properties should be created inside of class constructors, classes allow you to define accessor properties on the prototype. To create a getter, use the keyword get followed by a space followed by an identifier; to create a setter, do the same using the keyword set. For example:

class CustomHTMLElement {

    constructor(element) {
        this.element = element;

    get html() {
        return this.element.innerHTML;

    set html(value) {
        this.element.innerHTML = value;

var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(CustomHTMLElement.prototype, "html");
console.log("get" in descriptor);   // true
console.log("set" in descriptor);   // true
console.log(descriptor.enumerable); // false

In this example, the CustomHTMLElement class is made as a wrapper around an existing DOM element. It has both a getter and setter for html that delegates to the innerHTML method on the element itself. This accessor property is created as non-enumerable, just like any other method would be, and is created on the CustomHTMLElement.prototype. The equivalent non-class representation is:

// direct equivalent to previous example
let CustomHTMLElement = (function() {

    "use strict";

    const CustomHTMLElement = function(element) {

        // make sure the function was called with new
        if (typeof === "undefined") {
            throw new Error("Constructor must be called with new.");

        this.element = element;

    Object.defineProperty(CustomHTMLElement.prototype, "html", {
        enumerable: false,
        configurable: true,
        get: function() {
            return this.element.innerHTML;
        set: function(value) {
            this.element.innerHTML = value;

    return CustomHTMLElement;

As with previous examples, this one shows just how much code you're saving by using a class instead of the non-class equivalent. The accessor property definition alone is almost the size of the equivalent class declaration.

The similarities between objects literals and classes aren't quite over yet. Class methods and accessor properties can use computed names using the same syntax as object literals.

Computed Member Names

Class methods and accessor properties can have computed names. Instead of using an identifier, use square brackets around an expression (the same as with object literal computed names). For example:

let methodName = "sayName";

class PersonClass {

    constructor(name) { = name;

    [methodName]() {

let me = new PersonClass("Nicholas");
me.sayName();           // "Nicholas"

This version of PersonClass uses a variable to assign the method name. The methodName variable contains the string "sayName", which is then used to declare the method. The sayName() method is later accessed directly. Accessor properties can also use computed names in the same way:

let propertyName = "html";

class CustomHTMLElement {

    constructor(element) {
        this.element = element;

    get [propertyName]() {
        return this.element.innerHTML;

    set [propertyName](value) {
        this.element.innerHTML = value;

Here, the getter and setter for html are set using the variable propertyName. You can still access the property by using .html, it's just the definition that is affected.

You've seen that there are a lot of similarities between classes and object literals, with methods, accessor properties, and computed names. There's just one more similarity to cover: generators.

Generator Methods

When generators were introduced in Chapter 8, you learned how to define a generator on an object literal by prepending a star (*) to the method name. The same syntax works for classes as well, allowing any method to be a generator. Here's an example:

class MyClass {

    *createIterator() {
        yield 1;
        yield 2;
        yield 3;


let instance = new MyClass();
let iterator = instance.createIterator();

This code creates a class called MyClass that has a generator method called createIterator(). The method returns an iterator whose values are hardcoded into the generator. While this is a useful capability, it's much more useful to define a default iterator for your class.

You can define the default iterator for a class by using Symbol.iterator to define a generator method, such as:

class Collection {

    constructor() {
        this.items = [];

    *[Symbol.iterator]() {
        yield *this.items.values();

var collection = new Collection();

for (let x of collection) {

// Output:
// 1
// 2
// 3

This example uses a computed name for a generator method that delegates to the values() iterator of this.items. In this way, any instance of Collection can be used directly in a for-of loop or with the spread operator. It's a good idea to define a default iterator for any class that manages a collection of values.

Adding methods and accessor properties to a class prototype is useful when you want those to show up on object instances. If, on the other hand, you'd like methods or accessor properties on the class itself, then you'll need to use static members.

Static Members

Another common pattern in JavaScript is adding additional methods directly onto constructors to simulate static members. For example:

function PersonType(name) { = name;

// static method
PersonType.create = function(name) {
    return new PersonType(name);

// instance method
PersonType.prototype.sayName = function() {

var person = PersonType.create("Nicholas");

This code creates a factory method called PersonType.create(). In other programming languages, this would be considered a static method as it is not dependent on an instance of PersonType for its data.

Classes simplify the creation of static members by using the formal static annotation before the method or accessor property name. Here's the equivalent of the last example:

class PersonClass {

    // equivalent of the PersonType constructor
    constructor(name) { = name;

    // equivalent of PersonType.prototype.sayName
    sayName() {

    // equivalent of PersonType.create
    static create(name) {
        return new PersonClass(name);

let person = PersonClass.create("Nicholas");

The PersonClass definition has a single static method called create(). The method syntax is the same as for sayName() with the exception of the static keyword. You can use the static keyword on any method or accessor property definition within a class. The only restriction is that you cannot use static with the constructor method definition.

W> Static members are not accessible from instances. You must always access static members from the class directly.

Inheritance with Derived Classes

Another problem with custom types in ECMAScript 5 and earlier was the extensive process necessary to implement inheritance. To properly inherit, you would need multiple steps. For instance:

function Rectangle(length, width) {
    this.length = length;
    this.width = width;

Rectangle.prototype.getArea = function() {
    return this.length * this.width;

function Square(length) {, length, length);

Square.prototype = Object.create(Rectangle.prototype, {
    constructor: {
        enumerable: true,
        writable: true,
        configurable: true

var square = new Square(3);

console.log(square.getArea());              // 9
console.log(square instanceof Square);      // true
console.log(square instanceof Rectangle);   // true

Here, Square inherits from Rectangle, and to do so, it must overwrite Square.prototype with a new object created from Rectangle.prototype as well as call These steps often confused newcomers to the language and were a source of errors for experienced developers.

Classes make inheritance easier by using the familiar extends keyword to specify the function from which the class should inherit. The prototypes are automatically adjusted and you can access the base class constructor using super(). Here's the equivalent of the previous example:

class Rectangle {
    constructor(length, width) {
        this.length = length;
        this.width = width;

    getArea() {
        return this.length * this.width;

class Square extends Rectangle {
    constructor(length) {

        // same as, length, length)
        super(length, length);

var square = new Square(3);

console.log(square.getArea());              // 9
console.log(square instanceof Square);      // true
console.log(square instanceof Rectangle);   // true

In this example, the Square class inherits from Rectangle using the extends keyword. The Square constructor uses super() to call the Rectangle constructor with the specified arguments. Note that unlike the ECMAScript 5 version of the code, the identifier Rectangle is only used within the class declaration (after extends).

Using super() is a requirement of derived classes if you specify a constructor (if you don't, an error will occur). If you choose not to use a constructor, then super() is automatically called for you with all arguments upon creating a new instance of the class. For instance, the following two classes are identical:

class Square extends Rectangle {
    // no constructor

// Is equivalent to

class Square extends Rectangle {
    constructor(...args) {

The second class in this example shows the equivalent of the default constructor for all derived classes. All of the arguments are passed, in order, to the base class constructor. In this case, the functionality isn't quite correct because the Square constructor needs only one argument and so it's best to manually define the constructor.

W> There are a few things to keep in mind when using super(): W> W> 1. You can only use super() in a derived class. If you try to use it in a non-derived class (a class that doesn't use extends) or a function, it will throw an error. W> 1. You must call super() before accessing this in the constructor. Since super() is responsible for initializing this, attempting to access this before calling super() results in an error. W> 1. The only way to avoid calling super() is to return an object from the class constructor.

Shadowing Class Methods

The methods on derived classes always shadow methods of the same name on the base class. For instance, you can add getArea() to Square in order to redefine that functionality:

class Square extends Rectangle {
    constructor(length) {
        super(length, length);

    // override and shadow Rectangle.prototype.getArea()
    getArea() {
        return this.length * this.length;

In this code, getArea() is now defined as part of Square and therefore Rectangle.prototype.getArea() will no longer be called by any instances of Square. Of course, you can always decide to call the base class version of the method by using super.getArea(), such as:

class Square extends Rectangle {
    constructor(length) {
        super(length, length);

    // override, shadow, and call Rectangle.prototype.getArea()
    getArea() {
        return super.getArea();

Using super in this way is the same as discussed in Chapter 4: the this value is automatically set correctly so you can make a simple method call.

Inherited Static Members

If a base class has static members then those static members are also available on the derived class. This maps to how inheritance works in other languages, but is a new concept for JavaScript. Here's an example:

class Rectangle {
    constructor(length, width) {
        this.length = length;
        this.width = width;

    getArea() {
        return this.length * this.width;

    static create(length, width) {
        return new Rectangle(length, width);

class Square extends Rectangle {
    constructor(length) {

        // same as, length, length)
        super(length, length);

var rect = Square.create(3, 4);

console.log(rect instanceof Rectangle);     // true
console.log(rect.getArea());                // 12
console.log(rect instanceof Square);        // false

In this code, a new static create() method is added to Rectangle. Through inheritance, that method is available as Square.create() and behaves in the same manner as Rectangle.create().

Derived Classes from Expressions

Perhaps the most powerful aspect of derived classes in ECMAScript 6 is the ability to derive a class from an expression. You can use extends with any expression as long as the expression resolves to a function with [[Construct]] and a prototype. For example:

function Rectangle(length, width) {
    this.length = length;
    this.width = width;

Rectangle.prototype.getArea = function() {
    return this.length * this.width;

class Square extends Rectangle {
    constructor(length) {
        super(length, length);

var x = new Square(3);
console.log(x.getArea());               // 9
console.log(x instanceof Rectangle);    // true

This example defines Rectangle as an ECMAScript 5-style constructor while Square is a class. Since Rectangle has [[Construct]] and a prototype, the class can still inherit directly from it.

Accepting any type of expression after extends allows for some powerful possibilities, such as dynamically determining what to inherit from. For example:

function Rectangle(length, width) {
    this.length = length;
    this.width = width;

Rectangle.prototype.getArea = function() {
    return this.length * this.width;

function getBase() {
    return Rectangle;

class Square extends getBase() {
    constructor(length) {
        super(length, length);

var x = new Square(3);
console.log(x.getArea());               // 9
console.log(x instanceof Rectangle);    // true

Here, the getBase() function is called directly as part of the class declaration. It returns Rectangle, which means this example is functionally equivalent to the previous one. And since you can determine the base dynamically, that means it's possible to create different inheritance approaches. For instance, you can effectively create mixins:

let SerializableMixin = {
    serialize() {
        return JSON.stringify(this);

let AreaMixin = {
    getArea() {
        return this.length * this.width;

function mixin(...mixins) {
    var base = function() {};
    Object.assign(base.prototype, ...mixins);
    return base;

class Square extends mixin(AreaMixin, SerializableMixin) {
    constructor(length) {
        this.length = length;
        this.width = length;

var x = new Square(3);
console.log(x.getArea());               // 9
console.log(x.serialize());             // "{"length":3,"width":3}"

In this example, mixins are used instead of classical inheritance. The mixin() function takes any number of arguments that represent mixin objects. It creates a function called base and assigns the properties of each mixin object to the prototype. The function is then returned so Square can use extends. Keep in mind that since extends is still used, you are required to call super() in the constructor.

The instance of Square has both getArea() from AreaMixin and serialize from SerializableMixin. This is accomplished through prototypal inheritance, as the mixin() function dynamically populates the prototype of a new function with all of the own properties of each mixin.

W> Even though any expression can be used after extends, not all expressions result in a valid class. Specifically, the following expression types causes errors: W> W> null W> generator functions (chapter 8) W> W> In these cases, attempting to create a new instance of the class will throw an error because there is no [[Construct]] to call.

Inheriting from Built-ins

For almost as long as there have been JavaScript arrays, developers have wanted to inherit from arrays to create their own special array types. However, in ECMAScript 5 and earlier, this wasn't possible. Attempting to use classical inheritance didn't result in functioning code. For example:

// built-in array behavior
var colors = [];
colors[0] = "red";
console.log(colors.length);         // 1

colors.length = 0;
console.log(colors[0]);             // undefined

// trying to inherit from array in ES5

function MyArray() {
    Array.apply(this, arguments);

MyArray.prototype = Object.create(Array.prototype, {
    constructor: {
        value: MyArray,
        writable: true,
        configurable: true,
        enumerable: true

var colors = new MyArray();
colors[0] = "red";
console.log(colors.length);         // 0

colors.length = 0;
console.log(colors[0]);             // "red"

As you can see, using the classical form of JavaScript inheritance results in unexpected behavior. The length and numeric properties don't behave the same as the built-in array because this functionality isn't covered either by Array.apply() or by assigning the prototype.

One of the goals of ECMAScript 6 classes is to allow inheritance from all built-ins. In order to accomplish this, the inheritance model of classes is slightly different than the classical inheritance model found in ECMAScript 5 and earlier:

  • In ECMAScript 5 classical inheritance, the value of this is first created by the derived type (for example, MyArray) and then the base type constructor is called (Array.apply()). That means this starts out as an instance of MyArray and then is decorated with additional properties from Array.
  • In ECMAScript 6 class-based inheritance, the value of this is first created by the base (Array) and then modified by the derived class constructor (MyArray). The result is that this starts out with all of the built-in functionality of the base and correctly receives all functionality related to it.

The following class-based special array works as you would expect:

class MyArray extends Array {
    // empty

var colors = new MyArray();
colors[0] = "red";
console.log(colors.length);         // 1

colors.length = 0;
console.log(colors[0]);             // undefined

In this example, MyArray inherits directly from Array and therefore works in the exact same way. Interacting with numeric properties updates the length property, and manipulating the length property updates the numeric properties. That means not only can you properly inherit from Array to create your own derived array classes, you can also inherit from other builtins as well. ECMAScript 6 and derived classes have effectively removed the last special case of inheriting from builtins.

The @@species Property

An interesting aspect of inheriting from builtins is that any method that returns an instance of the builtin will automatically return a derived class instance instead. So, if you have a derived class MyArray that inherits from Array, methods such as slice() return an instance of MyArray. For example:

class MyArray extends Array {
    // empty

let items = new MyArray(1, 2, 3, 4),
    subitems = items.slice(1, 3);

console.log(items instanceof MyArray);      // true
console.log(subitems instanceof MyArray);   // true

In this code, the slice() method returns a MyArray instance. The slice() method is inherited from Array and returns an instance of Array normally. Behind the scenes, it's the @@species property that is making this change.

The @@species well-known symbol is used to define a static accessor property that returns a function. That function is a constructor to use whenever an instance of the class must be created inside of an instance method (instead of using the constructor). There are several builtin types that have @@species defined:

  • Array
  • ArrayBuffer (discussed in Chapter 10)
  • Map
  • Promise
  • RegExp
  • Set
  • Typed Arrays (discussed in Chapter 10)

Each of these types have a default @@species property that returns this, meaning that it will always return the constructor function. If you were to do the same on a custom class, the code would look like this:

// several builtin types use species similar to this
class MyClass {
    static get [Symbol.species]() {
        return this;

    constructor(value) {
        this.value = value;

    clone() {
        return new this.constructor[Symbol.species](this.value);

In this example, the Symbol.species well-known symbol is used to assign a static accessor property to MyClass. Note that there's only a getter without a setter, because it is not possible to change the species of a class. Any call to this.constructor[Symbol.species] returns MyClass. The clone() method uses that definition to return a new instance rather than directly using MyClass, which allows derived classes to override that value. For example:

class MyClass {
    static get [Symbol.species]() {
        return this;

    constructor(value) {
        this.value = value;

    clone() {
        return new this.constructor[Symbol.species](this.value);

class MyDerivedClass1 extends MyClass {
    // empty

class MyDerivedClass2 extends MyClass {
    static get [Symbol.species]() {
        return MyClass;

let instance1 = new MyDerivedClass1("foo"),
    clone1 = instance1.clone(),
    instance2 = new MyDerivedClass2("bar"),
    clone2 = instance2.clone();

console.log(clone1 instanceof MyClass);             // true
console.log(clone1 instanceof MyDerivedClass1);     // true
console.log(clone2 instanceof MyClass);             // true
console.log(clone2 instanceof MyDerivedClass2);     // false

Here, DerivedClass1 inherits from MyClass and doesn't change the @@species property. When clone() is called, it returns an instance of MyDerivedClass1 because this.constructor[Symbol.species] returns MyDerivedClass1. The DerivedClass2 class inherits from MyClass and overrides @@species to return MyClass. When clone() is called on an instance of DerivedClass2, the return value is an instance of MyClass. Using @@species, any derived class can determine what type of value should be returned when a method returns an instance. And since Array uses @@species, you can make that change in a derived array class, such as:

class MyArray extends Array {
    static get [Symbol.species]() {
        return Array;

let items = new MyArray(1, 2, 3, 4),
    subitems = items.slice(1, 3);

console.log(items instanceof MyArray);      // true
console.log(subitems instanceof Array);     // true
console.log(subitems instanceof MyArray);   // false

This code overrides @@species on MyArray, which inherits from Array. All of the inherited methods that return arrays will now use an instance of Array instead of MyArray.

In general, you should use the @@species property whenever you might want to use this.constructor in a class method. Doing so allows derived classes to override the return type easily. Additionally, if you are creating derived classes from a class that has @@species defined, be sure to use that value instead of the constructor.

In Chapter 3, you learned about and how its value changes depending on how a function is called. You can also use in class constructors to determine how the class is being invoked. In the simple case, is equal to the constructor function for the class, as in this example:

class Rectangle {
    constructor(length, width) {
        console.log( === Rectangle);
        this.length = length;
        this.width = width;

// is Rectangle
var obj = new Rectangle(3, 4);      // outputs true

In this code, you can see that is equivalent to Rectangle when new Rectangle(3, 4) is called. Since class constructors cannot be called without new, is always defined inside of class constructors. However, the value may not always be the same.

class Rectangle {
    constructor(length, width) {
        console.log( === Rectangle);
        this.length = length;
        this.width = width;

class Square extends Rectangle {
    constructor(length) {
        super(length, length)

// is Square
var obj = new Square(3);      // outputs false

Here, Square is calling the Rectangle constructor, so is equal to Square when the Rectangle constructor is called. This is important because it gives each constructor the ability to alter its behavior based on how it's being called. For instance, you can create an abstract base class (one that cannot be instantiated directly) by using

// abstract base class
class Shape {
    constructor() {
        if ( === Shape) {
            throw new Error("This class cannot be instantiated directly.")

class Rectangle extends Shape {
    constructor(length, width) {
        this.length = length;
        this.width = width;

var x = new Shape();                // throws error

var y = new Rectangle(3, 4);        // no error
console.log(y instanceof Shape);    // true

In this example, the Shape class constructor throws an error whenever is Shape, meaning that new Shape() always throws an error. However, you can still use Shape as a base class, which is what Rectangle does. The super() call executes the Shape constructor and is equal to Rectangle so the constructor continues without error.

I> Since classes cannot be called without new, is never undefined inside of a class constructor.


For those who have struggled to understand JavaScript in the absence of classes, ECMAScript 6 classes provide an easier way to become acclimated with the language without needing to completely throw away their understanding of inheritance. ECMAScript 6 classes start out as syntactic sugar for the classical inheritance model of ECMAScript 5, but add a lot of features to reduce mistakes.

ECMAScript 6 classes work with prototypal inheritance by defining non-static methods on the class prototype while static methods end up on the constructor itself. All methods are non-enumerable, which better matches the behavior of built-in objects for which methods are typically nonenumerable by default. Additionally, class constructors cannot be called without new, ensuring that you can't accidentally call a class as a function.

Class-based inheritance allows you to derive a class from another class, function, or expression. This ability means you can call a function to determine the correct base to inherit from, allowing you to use mixins and other different composition patterns to create a new class. Inheritance works in such a way that inheriting from built-in objects, such as Array, is now possible and works as expected.

You can use in class constructors to behave differently depending on how the class is called. The most common use is to create an abstract base class that throws an error when instantiated directly but still allows inheritance via other classes.

Overall, classes are an important addition to the language that provide a more concise syntax and better functionality for defining custom object types in a safe, consistent manner.